Special Track on
Management, Engineering and Informatics: MEI 2025©
in the context of
The 29th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2025©
September 9 - 12, 2025
Organized by IIIS
in Orlando, Florida, USA.
*** Submissions for VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION are now open ***

  Kinds of Keynote Speakers

Policy Regarding Keynote Speakers at Conferences Organized by IIIS

Roughly speaking, there could be three different kinds of keynote speakers at conferences organized by IIIS:

  • General Plenary Keynote Speakers
  • Plenary Keynote Speakers, at a specific conference
  • Technical Keynote Speakers, at parallel sessions

General Plenary Keynote Speakers

When several conferences are collocated at the same time and at the same venue, there are usually General Plenary Sessions where Keynote Speakers address a multi- and inter-disciplinary audience. Almost all general plenary speakers are selected from:

  1. Authors whose regular full papers 1) have been reviewed and accepted and 2) are among the best according the quantitative evaluation of their respective reviewers. Other plenary keynote speakers.
  2. Authors of regular full papers who were plenary keynote speakers in past conferences.

The selected authors are invited for an additional presentation at a general plenary session; which will have a multi-disciplinary audience. Consequently the plenary keynote speaker should select a trans-disciplinary topic or a topic presented in non-technical or disciplinary terms and oriented to inter-disciplinary communication, which the main purpose of the conferences organized bu the International Insitutue of Informatics and Systemics: IIIS (www.iiis.org)

Few plenary keynote speakers, who have no regular paper presentations, may be plenary keynote speakers in past conferences.

Plenary Keynote Speakers, at a specific conference

A specific conference, organized in the context of the joint event of all collocated conferences, may also have its own plenary session. When these conference plenary sessions are held, no regular or invited session of the respective conference is held at the same time. These specific plenary sessions could be called sub-plenary sessions if they are related to the General Plenary Sessions of the joint event of all collocated conferences.

The selection of keynote speakers of specific events or conferences is made similarly to what is described above for the general plenary keynote speakers, but limited to the authors or regular papers of the respective specific session.

Technical Keynote Speakers, at Parallel Sessions

Breakout (regular and invited) sessions or technical sessions may also have keynote speakers, who usually have more time than the other presenters at the same session, and who are distinguished as "technical keynote speakers"; their article and presentation will be distinguished as keynote ones.

Invited papers or invited talks

These kinds of invitations are academic invitations and imply no-financial support, because the conference has no financial sponsor and it should self-finance itself by means of the registration fees.

These invitations are usually made to highly qualified scholars or professionals, and the acceptance of their presentation might be fundamentally based of the authors' CVs and their previous research and publications.

These kinds of invitations are usually made by the General Chair initiative, or by an agreement between the General Chair and the Program Committee's Chair of the specific conference or symposium. In any case it should be explicitly stated at least one month before the conference date.

Invited sessions organizers can make this kind of academic (non-financial) invitation in their respective invited session. They can also make the decision regarding technical keynote speakers in their respective sessions. In such a case the decision should be explicitly stated and communicated to the General Chair of the respective conference, at least one month before the conference date and no later than the submission of the final version of the respective invited paper and/or keynote address.

Invitations does not imply financial support

Unless agreed before the respective registration, no financial support (including waiving the respective registration fee) can be provided to any kind of keynote speakers.

Special Tracks

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