Special Track on
Management, Engineering and Informatics: MEI 2025©
in the context of
The 29th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2025©
September 9 - 12, 2025
Organized by IIIS
in Orlando, Florida, USA.
*** Submissions for VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION are now open ***

  Benefits for Invited Session Organizers

Benefits for the Organizers of Approved Invited Sessions

  • The registration fee of effective organizers* will be waived. Extra-pages fee, second-paper fee, and other additional charges will not be waived. If there are two (or more) co-organizers, the registration fee will be waived to just one of them.
  • If their invited session has at least 6 papers, the author(s) of the best paper will be invited to publish it, with no additional cost, in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (JSCI) where the best 25%-30% of the papers presented at the conferences are published. The paper might be extended or modified according to the feedback obtained from its conference's presentation. This journal is being sent to about 200 libraries around the world.
  • Effective organizers* will be co-editors of the proceedings' volume where the papers of their session were included.
  • They will be included in the Associate Editors list to be published in the proceedings.
  • They will chair their respective sessions and, hence, will be noted as Session Chairperson in the Program and in the conference proceedings.
  • They can have their own timetable as long as the camera-ready deadline is met.
  • They will participate in the Program Committee of the current and the next conference.
  • They may ask the Organizing Committee to provide them with an electronic forum where the authors of their session may review each other papers and offer constructive feedback among all them, in a participatory reviewing process.
  • They may also ask the Organizing Committee to provide them with post-conference electronic sessions so the authors can post follow-up comments about the presentations made in their respective session. The post-conference electronic session will last for at least one month after the conference is over.

* Effective organizers: those who have, in their respective sessions, at least five (5) authors who have submitted their five respective registration fees, before or on August 15th, 2025. No exceptions will be done after this date. In such a case, the sixth registration fee will be waived if it belongs to the invited session organizer. Please be advised that the second-paper fee is not a registration fee.

Special Tracks

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