Special Tracks

Politics and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: PISTA 2025
Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics: SOIC 2025
Interdisciplinary Research, Education, and Communication: IDREC 2025
Case Studies and Methodologies: stCSM 2025
Integrating Research, Education, and Problem Solving: IREPS 2025
Action Research and Action Learning: ARAL 2025
Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2025

General Topics

Impact of Informatics and Cybernetics on Societies and Cultures
Socio-political regulations of Informatics and Cyber-Technologies
Information Society Technologies
Knowledge-based Society
Interdependencies between Society and Information and Communication Technologies
Social and Societal Roles of Information and communications Technologies
Globalization and Informatics/Cybernetics
Information Society Policy-Making
Ethics and Informatics/Cybernetics
e-Inclusion, Digital Inclusion or inclusive Information Society. Global e-Inclusion
Digital Divide
e-Accessibility – Opening up the Information Society
eSkills. Computer-literacy
Education and Training Systems and Technologies (EISTA 2025)
Industrial/Corporative Training
Higher Education
Instructional Design
Reinventing the Training Organization
Knowledge Management
Education for Working Culture
Synergy Between Education and Development
Synergy Between Education and Industry/Business
Learning to Learn
Organizational Learning
Cybernetics of Education
Teacher Education
Educational and training e-consultations
Application of Education Technologies (EISTA 2025)
Education of Science and Engineering
Education of Informatics and Communication Technologies
Corporative Training in Informatics and Cybernetics
Information Science Education
Applications of Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Training (EISTA 2025)
Multimedia-Based Instructional Design
Computer-Based Training
Web-Based Training
Internet-Based Teaching
Distance Learning
Distance Broadcast Training
Application of Simulation in Training and Education
Integrating E-Learning and Classroom Learning
Online Teaching and Learning
Internet-Based Learning Tools
Internet-Based Adult Learning
Virtual Classroom
Virtual Universities
Microcomputers in Education
Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (EISTA 2025)
Educational Research in Pre-College (K-12), Undergraduate and Graduate Levels
Educational e-research
Combining Research and Teaching in the Classroom
Synergies between Research and Teaching
Possible Synergic Relationships Among the Different Educational Levels
Elevating Recognition & Reward for Education Research in STEM Disciplines
Effective Use and Assessment of Technology as a Teaching Tool in Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Technology Education (STEM Education)
Effectiveness of e-learning in STEM Education. E-libraries. Educational Computing
Edutainment in STEM
Distance Education in STEM
Innovative Curriculum and Teaching Techniques
Overcoming Institutional and Disciplinary Barriers in Developing Cross Disciplinary Classes, Team Taught Classes or Capstone Design Classes
Special Challenges in STEM Education
Strategies for Assessing Student Learning; Strategies for Assessing Teaching, Peer Reviews, Peer Observation, Effective Methodologies and/or Instruments
Interdisciplinary Education
Educational Research, Theories, Practice and Methodologies (EISTA 2025)
Action Research
Adult Literacy and Adult Education
Brain, Neurosciences, and Education
Career Development
Applications of Chaos and Complexity Theories in Education
Classroom Assessment, Management, and Observation
Cognitive, Social, and Motivational Processes in Education
Confluent Education
Constructivist Theory, Research and Practice
Educational Constructivist Theories
Cooperative Learning
Counseling and Human Development
Cultural-Historical Research
Curriculum Design and Evaluation
Curriculum History
Curriculum in Classrooms
Curriculum Studies
Curriculum Theory
Early Education and Child Development
Ecological and Environmental Education
Education and Student Development
Educational Change
Educational Enterprises
Educational Policy and Politics
Faculty Teaching, Evaluation and Development
Human Development
Leadership Development
Learning Environments
Moral Development and Education
Motivation in Education
Multicultural Contexts of Education
Peace Education
Philosophical Studies in Education
Problem-Based Learning
School Evaluation and Program Development
School Improvement
Educational Measurement, Psychometrics, and Assessment
Informatics and Society. (PISTA 2025)
Social Informatics. Cyber-Civics.
Global E-Quality. E-Development.
Internet and Society. What is New about the "New Media".
Societal and Political Impact of Mobile Communications.
Politics and the Internet. Politics in Mediatized Cultures.
Computer Mediated Communications. Political Communication and Public Spheres.
Informatics for Education. Computer Mediated Education. The e-literate Society.
Networking Schools, Universities and Communities.
Citizenship in the Information Society. Citizenship, New Media and Political Action.
Digital Libraries.
Communicating Culture. Culture Shifts and the Transformation of Politics.
Digital Cities.
Informatics, Voting and Political Parties. (PISTA 2025)
Informatics and Political Campaigns.
Online Campaigning. On-line Polling. Political Advertising.
Leaders, Elections and Parties and New Media. Informational Power.
e-democracy and e-participation. Democracy and New Media.
The Effects of Mobile Communication on Public Participation and Political Mobilization.
Political Information.
Informatics and Government. (PISTA 2025)
Electronic Government. Web-Enabled Government. Local e-government.
e-administration. e-public Services. Web Self-Service in The Public Sector.
e-Gov Information Assurance.
Process Models and Software for e-democracy.e-communities.
Software for Dialogue and Argumentation.
Intergovernmental Informatics.
Citizens and Governance in an Open Knowledge-Based Society.
e-reality and e-economy.
Cyberspace Security.
Telematics for Development. Telematics as Agent of Social Change.
Open Source for National and Local e-government Programs.
Citizens and Public Administration in the Information Age.
Political Forces shaping Innovations and Diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies. Information Politics. Politics. The Politics of Information Management
Ethical and Legal Issues related to Informatics. (PISTA 2025)
Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges of Cyberspace.
Legal Informatics.
Legal Knowledge and Information Systems.
Cyber-Ethics. Ethical Issues in Computing and Informatics.
Legal e-consultations.
Relations between Society/Organizations and Informatics. (SOIC 2025)
Information Society. Knowledge Societies.
Social Informatics and Social Information Systems.
Social Impact of Computing and Communication Technology.
Social Engineering in the Information Age.
Education for the Information/Knowledge Society.
Global Information Infrastructure.
National and International Initiatives on the Information Society.
National Strategies for the Information and Communication Technologies.
Info-Rich and Info-Poor.
Review and Appraisal of ICT Impact.
Public Policies in Free and Open Source Software.
Free and Open Source Software Role in Developing Countries.
Ethics and Informatics.
Collective Decision Support Systems. Cyber-Democracies.
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC).
Organizational Informatics.
Telecommunications Policy.
Information Economics Policy.
Relations between Society/Organizations and Cybernetics/Cyber-Technologies. (SOIC 2025)
Cyber-Sociology. Social Scientific Study of Cyberspace.
Internet Research and Online Research Methodologies.
The Digital Divide. Digital Third Worlds.
Organizational Cybernetics.
Online and Virtual Communities.
Internet and Political Involvement.
Communicative Praxis in the Age of Globalization.
Internet as a Tool for Collective Action.
E-Politics. Cyber-Power. Online Activism.
Law and Internet.
Public and Private Security in the Internet.